Earthjustice NOI

EPA Receives New NOI message header and EPA seal
US EPA Receives New NOI

RE: New Notice of Intent to Sue EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently received a notice of intent to sue (NOI) that may be of interest to you. The NOI concerns [disclosure of information received under Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act, regarding new chemicals review.. This information is provided for your information only, and this notice does not require you to take any action.

A copy of the NOI can be found here:

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Disclaimer: Posting does not mean that the notice was properly filed and/or served upon EPA or the United States, and EPA does not waive any defenses related to improper filing or service as it relates to the notices posted.



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US EPA, Office of General Counsel 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20460 United States