Newsletter – waste incinerator

waste incinerator

每天更新 2019年7月17日

City of Beirut delays talk of incinerators – to the approval of residents – while some claim that country’s waste management is befouled by corruption.
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Masaka Regional Referral Hospital is struggling to dispose of medical waste after the incinerator at the hospital broke down two years ago. Although …
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A public debate on Belgrade’s waste incinerator and the new landfill in Vinča will be held on July 23 in Grocka. According to a press release from Suez …
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Deputy mayor Siddarth Dhende and corporator Sonali Landge had urged the civic administration to use the incinerator facility for dead animals to …
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Garbage collectors dropped off waste at the incinerator of Neder-over-Heembeek that had a radioactivity level of 26 microsieverts, well above the …
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Contaminated trash is sent to incinerators and landfills for a fee, but some recyclers “just find a corner and burn it,” Mr. Wong said. “The smoke smells …
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Contaminated trash is sent to incinerators and landfills for a fee, but some recyclers “just find a corner and burn it”, Mr Wong said. “The smoke smells …
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Thousands of people took to the streets in central China on Thursday night in a seventh day of protests against the construction of a waste incineration …
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Revelations break that Brussels stores U.S. nukes, radioactive garbage is found in … Garbage collectors dropped off waste at the incinerator of …
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“We send all our general waste to an incinerator rather than landfill – which isn’t the long-term goal but half way there. We aim to send all food waste …
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