Tag: plc

Pre-assembled containerized type waste incinerator

Pre-assembled, containerized type  Burning rate: 100 – 120kg / hour medical waste incinerator  Minimum operating temperature: 8500c   (Primary combustion) Maximum operating temperature: 14500c  (afterburner chamber) Secondary Burning capacity: Compulsory. Density insulation: 20 mm high hospital waste incinerators Refractory casting: minimum 65mm Heavy duty refracting lining to withstand 15000c Average burn out time: maximum 3.0 hrs Fuel […]

medical incinerator

medical incinerator is incineration equipment for the waste from hospital, clinic,laboratory or other related department. the medical waste including plastic material like syringe, Infusion set, medical tube and medical dressing, clothes, and also surgical waste inclding human body part, etc. this kind of incineration equipment use oil(diesel oil) or gas(natural gas or lpg) to burn […]

medical waste incinerator for sale

Average 20%-25% of the total waste generated by healthcare establishments is regarded as hazardous and may create a variety of health and environmental risks if not managed and destroyed in an appropriate manner. medical waste incinerator for sale with TS model, YD model and YD-C model(small scale). Items/Model TS10(PLC) TS20(PLC) TS30(PLC) TS50(PLC) TS100(PLC) Burn Rate […]

medical waste incinerators manufacturers

HICLOVER, medical waste incinerators manufacturers, is now offering a full range of medical waste incinerators, designed to provide efficient waste destruction, utilizing best available technologies and environmentally friendly process. Due to the secondary chamber with its 2 second retention period, our medical incinerator range is well suited to process medical waste. Items/Model TS10(PLC) TS20(PLC) TS30(PLC) […]

small scale incinerators

Clover Incinerator supply small scale incinerators with capacity 10kgs per hour to 500kgs per hour. The incinerator with dual/double combustion chamber and dry filter chamber, two fuel burner from Italy manufactured, hot sale model for small scale waste output, the capacity is 30kgs per hour and 50kgs per hour. We are famous small scale incinerator […]

small medical waste incinerator

small medical waste incinerator design with PLC( Programmable Logic Controller), Intelligent and Automatic operation. Set combuston time according to different waste material and incinerator stop combustion itself. Set temperature protection parameter, if the temperature overheat, incinerator stop combustion itself. Items/Model TS10(PLC) TS20(PLC) TS30(PLC) TS50(PLC) TS100(PLC) Burn Rate 10 kg/hour 20 kg/hour 30 kg/hour 50 kg/hour […]

medical waste incinerator china

HICLOVER is top supplier of medical waste incinerator china with hiclover brand and website www.hiclover.com. we design PLC control incinerator for better operation which is key point of the medical waste incinerator. Items/Model TS10(PLC) TS20(PLC) TS30(PLC) TS50(PLC) TS100(PLC) Burn Rate 10 kg/hour 20 kg/hour 30 kg/hour 50 kg/hour 100 kg/hour Feed Capacity 20kg 40kg 60kg […]

small scale medical incinerator

the small scale medical incinerator for small waste out put capacity department. we have different model small scale medical incinerator which model is TS mode, YD model and also YDC model. the capacity from 10kgs per hour to 100kgs per hour. Items/Model TS10(PLC) TS20(PLC) TS30(PLC) TS50(PLC) TS100(PLC) Burn Rate 10 kg/hour 20 kg/hour 30 kg/hour […]

medical incinerator prices

the medical incinerator prices according to different design, material made, key spare parts fitting. we design with 2 or 3 combustion chamber, cement or fire brick combustion chamber, stainless steel chimney, italy oil or gas burner and plc control unit. Items/Model TS10(PLC) TS20(PLC) TS30(PLC) TS50(PLC) TS100(PLC) Burn Rate 10 kg/hour 20 kg/hour 30 kg/hour 50 […]