EPA Announces $330,000 to Okla. Dept. of Environmental to Cleanup and Redevelop Contaminated Brownfi





EPA Announces $330,000 to Okla. Dept. of Environmental to Cleanup and Redevelop Contaminated Brownfield Sites


Media contacts: Jennah Durant at r6press@epa.gov or 214 665-2200


DALLAS – (June 16, 2021) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality will received $330,000 in supplemental funding to help transform communities by cleaning up contaminated brownfields properties.


The funding is part of $11.6 million that will be provided to 27 communities nationwide that have demonstrated success in using their previously awarded Brownfields Revolving Loan Funding (RLF) grants to clean up and redevelop brownfield sites. This investment is an important part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to address environmental justice issues in underserved communities.


“Many of the brownfields cleanups supported by EPA’s Revolving Loan Funding are in economically disadvantaged communities where environmental cleanup and jobs are needed most,” said Carlton Waterhouse, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Land and Emergency Management. “This supplemental funding will help sustain and increase the great progress these communities have made in cleaning up brownfields sites, while also helping them become stronger, healthier, and more economically competitive.”


Brownfield RLF grants enable funding for communities to provide loans and sub-grants for cleanup activities at brownfield sites. When loans are repaid, the loan amount is returned into the fund and re-lent to other borrowers, providing an ongoing source of capital within a community.


To date, EPA’s RLF grantees across the country have completed 794 cleanups and attracted approximately 48,000 jobs and $16.2 billion in public and private funding. Today’s supplemental funds will help communities keep the cleanup momentum going so that more cleanups can be completed. Each grantee will receive from $200,000 to $500,000.


Communities selected for FY21 RLF supplemental funding are:


Region 1          

  • Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments (ME): $330,000
  • City of Portland (ME): $330,000
  • Greater Portland Council of Governments (ME): $500,000
  • Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (ME): $500,000
  • Northwest Regional Planning Commission (VT): $200,000
  • Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (VT): $330,000
  • Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (ME): $500,000
  • Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (CT): $330,000
  • Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (VT): $330,000

Region 2           

  • Niagara County Center for Economic Development (NY): $500,000

Region 3

  • City of Huntington (WV): $500,000

Region 4           

  • City of Albany (GA): $330,000
  • City of Chattanooga (TN): $500,000
  • Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet (KY): $500,000
  • South Carolina Dept of Health and Environmental Control (SC): $500,000
  • Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government (KY): $330,000

Region 5           

  • Indiana Finance Authority (IN): $500,000
  • Hennepin County (MN): $500,000
  • City of Racine (WI): $500,000

Region 6           

  • Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (OK): $330,000
  • South Central Planning and Development Commission (LA): $330,000
  • City of Texarkana (TX): $500,000
  • City of Austin (TX): $500,000
  • New Mexico Environment Department (NM): $500,000

Region 8           

  • Great Northern Development Corporation (MT): $500,000
  • Snowy Mountain Development Corporation (MT): $500,000
  • Salt Lake County Economic Development (Wasatch Coalition) (UT): $500,000



Since 1995, EPA’s Brownfields Program has provided nearly $1.6 billion in Brownfield Grants to assess and clean up contaminated properties and return blighted properties to productive reuse. To date, these brownfields investments have leveraged more than $34.5 billion in cleanup and redevelopment in communities across the country. Over the years, the relatively small investment of federal funding has leveraged, from both public and private sources, more than 176,800 jobs.


For more information on EPA’s Revolving Loan Fund program: https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/brownfields-revolving-loan-fund-rlf-grants


For more information on EPA’s Brownfields program:




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